Welcome To Oconee Hill Genealogy Group
We are dedicated to researching, preserving, archiving and sharing Oconee Hill Cemetery’s historical records. Discover your past or start a family tree with the help of our databases of names, burial plot information, tombstones and photos from our past. Visit our virtual tours page, hosted by Charlotte Thomas Marshall, and learn interesting facts through HD videos and knowledgeable stories.

David Crenshaw Barrow Jr., chancellor (president) of the University of Georgia.Walter Barnard Hill, chancellor (president) of the University of Georgia.Omer Clyde Aderhold, president of the University of Georgia.Andrew A. Lipscomb, chancellor (president) of the University of Georgia.
Sampson Willis Harris, United States Rep. for Alabama’s 3rd congressional district and Alabama’s 7th congressional district.
Frederick Corbet Davison, president of the University of Georgia.

Tinsley W. Rucker, Jr., United States Rep. for Georgia’s 8th congressional district.Augustin Smith Clayton, United States Rep. from Georgia.Samuel Joelah Tribble, United States Rep. for Georgia’s 8th congressional district.Luther Glenn, Mayor of Atlanta from 1858 to 1860.
William Bailey Lamar, United States Rep. for Florida’s 3rd congressional district.
Young L.G. Harris, Athens Judge, state representative and namesake of Young Harris College and Young Harris, Georgia

Crawford Long, physician noted for early use of diethyl ether as an anesthetic.Thomas Reade Rootes Cobb, Confederate generalRobert Grier Stephens, Jr., United States Representative for Georgia’s 10th congressional district.Howell Cobb, 23rd Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, Governor of Georgia, United States Secretary of the Treasury.
Wally Butts, Georgia Bulldogs football head coach.
Mildred Lewis Rutherford Lucy May Stanton, artist known for her portrait miniatures

Henry Hull Carlton, United States Representative for Georgia’s 8th congressional district.Bill Hartman, former Georgia Bulldogs football player and coach and Washington Redskins playerDean Rusk, United States Secretary of State from 1961 to 1969 under presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson.Ricky Wilson, guitarist in the rock band The B-52’s.
William M. Browne, general in the Confederate States Army during the American Civil War.
Eve Carson, Student Leader from University of North Carolina, and homicide victim.